Time to start thinking like an entrepreneur!
What happens when Business As Usual is no longer enough? Here are five takeaways to thinking like an entrepreneur.
#1: Have A Goal
A clear vision supported by well-defined goals will help keep you determined against the odds.
#2: Customer Convenience is Key
Put the customer first and help them get what they want in the simplest way. This requires an end-to-end thought process of the customer experience.
#3: Communicate Intent
Customers need to understand products and processes.
Communicating your intent to help customers understand better will help you build trust.
#4: Continuously Learn
There are learning opportunities and tools everywhere.
Take charge of your growth by continuously learning new things!
#5: Take Action
No change will happen until you start taking action. A challenge will remain a problem until you take time to plan and execute. Try, fail, try again.
This is from our Chalkboard interview with Alfred Yan, entrepreneur and founder of e-commerce platforms, Haodah.com and Trodiv.com.
Listen to the podcast here: https://soundcloud.com/djunglepeople/growing-big-the-haodah-way