By Paul Kam
1. Buzz term in the workforce today seems to be ‘on my terms’. Meaning people look for job to suit their terms.
There is nothing wrong in looking for a job that meets your terms. The problem comes in when the terms are purely self-serving. Like taking leave whenever I wish regardless of what crisis is going on in the office, or that the company should understand that I need my three holidays a year or my first job should pay me enough to allow me to buy my first car and house because that’s my dream.
Instead employees should consider values of the organisation, their career path, optimising their talents and building their passion as some of the terms that cannot be compromised.
2. You think blurring the lines between life and work could entice people to work better?
I do not believe in that work is separate from life. We only have one life and working is a part of it. Once we embrace that and look at things holistically, we will embrace the fact that time and task is ours to manage and take ownership of our own life. We work to live but how well we wish to live depends on how much we want to work.
3. How do you convince a 20-something employee, ‘eh dude, you don’t always get things your way, your grandfather’s company ah?’
First thing is to expose them to the reality that the world does not revolve around them, contrary to what their parents made them believe. Secondly, show them the impact their actions have on other people and highlight both the good and the bad. A very important aspect of team building I would say. Finally, they must be made accountable for their actions. Buying a ticket for a long holiday before applying for leave and then assuming you are entitled to the leave in total disregard of the organisation’s situation,shows poor planning and selfishness. Both are doubtful leadership qualities. So consequence of actions like these could be limited career growth. Will they do it still if they realise this?